Jazz & Joe is a success! We are now appearing at many houses of worship on a regular basis and reaching approximately 8,000 people per week with our message of jazz for the community. At each event between 40 and 150 people are in attendance. Not only do the Parishioners attend but the event draws community members too.
The result of the relationship has been that the houses of worship and the surrounding community, the musicians and the sponsors, have all benefited from the evenings of jazz. The house of worship benefits through providing an invaluable experience for members of the church as well as the surrounding community and through donations made to help vitalize their music programs.
With the help of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania we will reach the 22,000 + members of the Diocese. I wish to thank Bishop Daniel for his invaluable help with this endeavor and the current Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutierrez.
Jazz Sanctuary from Episcopal Diocese of PA on Vimeo.
The goals of our organization are to:
Bring Jazz & Joe to more houses of worship, without burdening our sponsors with a request for additional funding
Bring jazz to the community through free jazz concerts throughout the Delaware Valley area.
Teach the elements and playing of jazz to those who cannot afford music lessons at no cost to the student & provide jazz master classes
Give employment, at a reasonable rate, to jazz musicians