
Alan Segal Quintet
Musician: A performer of music (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).
Now that we know what a musician does the question is what is music? For that answer I went to the Harvard Dictionary of Music and found three pages of definition. It takes three pages to define what happens on stage and to define what every player does with their heart and soul. The original definition of music in the Harvard Dictionary of Music is the most telling and it is: “Originally this term included all the cultural endeavors represented by the nine muses but later became associated with Polyhymnia, the Muse of many songs”.
Moses and Pythagoras, considered the inventors of music had their definitions, which were expanded by Plato, St. Isidore of Seville and Theodoricus de Campo. I don’t know about you, but only some of these names are familiar to me. A true statement is that mankind has attempted to define music since the beginning of record keeping and writing.And we keep on attempting to define what the musician does. What do we know?
The music performed is either pleasing to us or not. It captures a feeling, an emotion and moves us to meet the musician half way. We listen to the melody lines, the rhythms, back beat, and the vocalist.The music is performed and we smile, laugh, cry, tap our foot, snap our fingers, wave our hands or simply nod our heads all in time with the beat and feeling. We feel joyous or prayerful. We feel.
—Alan Segal, Founder, The Jazz Sanctuary
Although there have been many brilliant players of musical instruments, each giving their own interpretation to music and to their own inventions of music the vocalist also brings something special to their musical instrument; their voice. With and through the complexity of the human instrument the vocalist forges passion into the heart of the sound they produce. We all hum and sing – as best we can, but to truly give voice to what we feel, in a melodious manner is something special. Think of the greats like Ella Fitzgerald and you just don’t think of a voice, but a whole person giving vent to the passionate feelings of a way of life.
The vocalist brings a very human touch to the spirit of jazz. Each vocalist brings their own style and strength to the group of musicians on the stage. We are blessed to have vocalists appear with us who we know to be the very best.